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Paris, France

We probably could’ve spent our whole trip here. There is SO much to see and do. We knocked off some of the obvious ones: Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Arc de triomphe, espresso at random cafes on a tiny table barely big enough for two people. We also did a Catacombs tour which is a little outside the box of a typical first-visit-to-Paris but definitely a neat (eye-opening) experience. 

Unfortunately, right before our trip was when the fire to Notre Dame happened. We will absolutely be back to see it in all its glory!

The Louvre is probably the most famous museum in the world so if it’s your first time here, this is a no-brainer. A mind-boggling amount of art, artifacts, and sculptures, from many different periods and cultures. The sheer size of the museum was a bit daunting, I truly think we could’ve spent a full day there and not seen everything. We did make sure to walk by the Mona Lisa. It was the only work of art with a line, makes sense, it is the most famous painting in the world. 

We were enamored with the Eiffel Tower. We knew it would be cool to see but being there and seeing it was something that’s just hard to describe. The beauty of Paris lies in this monument. It’s truly majestic. The views from the top are breathtaking, too.