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Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik was our first stop along the Dalmatian Coast.  The enchanting Old Town, with its cobblestone streets and ancient walls, immersed us in centuries of heritage. Walking along these walls, we enjoyed breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea and iconic terracotta rooftops.

Even if you’re not a Game of Thrones fan, Dubrovnik’s role as a filming location is evident throughout the city. I even sat on the Iron Throne, which meant nothing to me but was a pretty cool thing for Syd.

Right outside of Old Town was Banje Beach with its pristine waters and fantastic views. We even made a fish friend that we named, Chonk, who was almost too friendly and would swim all around us. At times, I even thought he was in my swim trunks.

Dubrovnik, with its rich history, cinematic allure, and beachside serenity, is a must-visit destination that left us with unforgettable memories and a desire to return.