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Vienna, Austria

Next stop on our trip was a train ride south to Vienna! 

Our first impression of Vienna was a bit of an odd one, really. We’ve seen big buildings before but were awe struck at how enormous some of these buildings were. Some of it could be because we were in old town Prague just prior and Vienna had a more modern, upscale feel to it. Vienna’s architecture was over-the-top grandiose and elegant. 

Prior to this trip, during my research, I learned about coffee culture in Vienna. They’re serious about their coffee was so I was excited to see what it was all about. Their signature coffee is Melange which is pretty close to a cappuccino. Different coffee shops will have their take on it and one of my favorite Melange’s I had was topped with honey. It was a sweet way to start the day (pun definitely intended).

Another thing Vienna is famous for is their sachertorte which is a chocolate cake with apricot jam in the middle. We ate it at the place it originated, the Sacher Hotel. The hotel is fancy AF! We were a bit underdressed but luckily we were there late at night so there weren’t too many people who could judge us. 

St. Stephens Cathedral and the Hofburg were a couple other touristy sightseeing we did. The Hofburg had this elaborate library we needed to see and it did not disappoint. Two stories of books lined the murals that were painted on the walls and ceilings. Besides a little construction and some weird bright green light happening when we were there, it was a site to behold.