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Boston, Massachusetts

We packed quite a bit in during our visit to Boston, making sure to see many of the top sites and attractions. 

They have a Freedom Trail that is really helpful for first time visitors to Boston. It’s a trail around the city you can walk and it hits many of the historical sites. From the State House, to Granary Burying Ground, Boston Massacre Site, Paul Revere House, USS Constitution, and lastly the Bunker Hill Monument. There’s more to the trail than what I listed but those are some of the main ones and we hit almost all of them. 

All this sightseeing made us thirsty. Luckily, one of our favorite breweries is easily found in and around Boston. Sam Adams, from their Octoberfest, Winter, Summer, Cold Snap, you name it, they do it well. We did a tour of their brewery and stopped at the taproom. They had many beers that we had never heard of and some of them were really good!

Highlights of Boston wouldn’t be complete without a trip to Fenway Park. Being from St. Louis and having arguably the best stadium in the MLB (don’t @ me), we had to set aside our high standards. Stadiums have come a long way since 1912! You almost have to walk in a single file line in parts of the stadium and I may have well have been sitting on the lap of the guy next to me. The seats are tiny, too. Either way, it’s historic and I hope Fenway never changes. 

Once our fun in Boston was over, we headed south to Cape Cod. But first, we’d be remised if we passed up Plymouth without stopping. So we made sure to see Plymouth Rock, where the first settlers (allegedly but probably didn’t) set foot on a nation that already existed before they got here. Well, you know the story……