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Seville, Spain

Last stop on our Spain trip was Seville! 

You’d think we would learn by now but we always tend to like the charm of the smaller cities more than the big cities but always give ourselves less time in the small ones… 

If you look up charming in the dictionary, it should have a picture of Seville. We stayed in the city center which, unbeknownst to us, was a no car zone. You can only walk through the tiny streets since most streets are so small they can’t accommodate a car. In some ways, that type of city reminded us of Venice where we would walk aimlessly and take in the charm without worry of getting run over by a taxi driver. It was a nice change of pace after Barcelona and Madrid! 

A couple of the more touristy things we did during our time there was a visit to the Cathedral de Sevilla, one of the largest churches in the world, The Royal Alcazar, and of course, sipping on cava wine and eating more Iberico ham. 

One interesting tidbit about the Cathedral of Seville – Christopher Columbus is said to be buried in a monument there. I included that picture of a grave being carried by 4 large statues. It’s apparently up for debate as to whether his remains are really in there as the Dominican Republic is said to have his remains but refuse to do a DNA test to prove it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯