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Madrid, Spain

Next stop on our Spain adventure was Madrid. 

Our hotel was conveniently located by a world renowned chocolatier, San Gines. So we made sure to stop by often! Ok, it may not have been by coincidence…. 😁

Madrid loves their Churros so we made sure to get churros and hot chocolate here. Delish!!!

We also toured the Royal Palace here. Talk about bling! This thing was decked out ceiling to floor in marble, gold, crystals, diamonds… It was intense. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take many pictures once inside but I included a few I was able to snag down below. 

Another place where we couldn’t take any pictures was during our visit to the Prado Museum. We got to see some really famous works of art like Goya’s Second of May, Velasquez’ Las Meninas, and many others. We were on a guided tour for this which is something we typically don’t do. We tend to like to go about things on our own but in this case, it was really helpful. Our guide explained the meaning of many of these paintings and it really added a lot as opposed to looking at old painting and being like “ummm k…”

During our time in Madrid was also when we starting getting accustomed to the eating schedule of Spaniards. They tend to not each much of a breakfast, and if they do, its usually at like 10 or 11am. Lunch tends to be around 2 or 3pm and its the biggest meal of the day. Dinner is crazy late for us Americans at around 8 or 9pm. We enjoyed tapas hoping during the day and eating as much Iberico ham as possible, then settling in for dinner around 7 or so.