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Kilkenny, Ireland

The city in which our favorite beer is named, Kilkenny. If you haven’t had it, find it and thank us later. There truly is nothing like it. 

Quite a few castles still standing in this medieval town. Our hotel actually overlooked one of them. We toured the main Kilkenny Castle and Rose Garden while we were here. 

One of our favorite things to do is finding random places to stop in for a drink. We stumbled across The Hole in The Wall while exploring the town. That’s actually the name of it and its by far the smallest bar we’ve ever seen. About 8 people max can fit inside and we were lucky enough to be there when one of the regulars dropped in. The bar tender asked her to sing for us and it was just something we’ll never forget. She was blind and had a voice that could win American Idol, or Irish Idol, in this case. 

Kilkenny is also home to a Smithwicks Brewery. We didn’t get to tour it, I think it was closed while we were there. Maybe next time!